Saturday, April 13, 2013

baby deuce: 36 weeks

Don't I just look thrilled to be as big as a house?  Moving in general is getting pretty dang hard these days.  My lower back is constantly sore and achy, I can't climb stairs or lift my feet more than 2 inches off the ground, and every day, whether I'm at work or at home, I can't make it past 2:00 pm without falling asleep.  Even if only for 5 minutes.  I miss sleeping without being woken up with a full bladder, or having my ligaments stretched beyond pain, and even the days I never had heartburn.  Ever.  Now I get heartburn if I think about it.  Where are those Tums?

Anywho, my non-stress tests have been fine, and the ultrasound says that the baby is growing a 1/2 pound a week, which means that this week he will be 7.5 pounds.  At my ultrasound he was in the 74th percentile for growth, and the doctors seemed fine with that.  The head nurse told me that if I make it to 39 weeks they will induce me.  I asked about stripping my membranes since that worked with Britton, and she said if they do it'll be at 38 weeks (some doctors will and some won't and I don't know which is which).

Britton refused to pose with me, but was fine to have the camera all to herself

As evidenced below, cheesecake has finally made its way into this house!  It's all I've been craving lately, and as if that wasn't reason enough to get it, it doesn't mess with my blood sugar at all!  This was Britton's first time eating cheesecake and she loved it, so now I'm going to have to watch the leftovers like a hawk.  Or just eat the rest of it tonight.  

I'm still craving cheeseburgers and I want fruit badly (but can't because of the diabetes).  Sugar-free coffee creamers mess with my blood sugar, but regular creamer doesn't and I have no idea why.  But much to the dismay of my male co-workers who don't yet have kids, yes, I do drink coffee if only to stay awake!

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