Monday, February 18, 2013

Britton's a cutter

It seems to be a rite of passage for kids for as long as kids have been around to cut their hair.  Heck, my officemate's granddaughter recently got a bowl cut because she cut off one of her pigtails.  I remember cutting my doll's hair to the scalp because that was how you didn't have bangs (at least. that's what I thought!).  Jessica and I regularly cut our Barbie's hair off, if only because our mom wouldn't just spring for a Ken doll.  

Britton loves cutting.  She cuts paper, stickers, even fabric squares I have in a shoebox from Memaw's stash.  Cutting, then glueing it back together or in some other way, now that is her thing.  On Saturday morning, she was cutting at her table.  And I wasn't paying attention because I was vacuuming.  She had recently cut the bristles off her paintbrush, and I figured that was as bad as she would get with the cutting.  Never had she even pretended to go for her hair, or Sadie, or her clothes, or something else unfixable.  That is, until Saturday morning, when I should have been paying attention and wasn't...

Because she cut her freaking eyelashes off of her right eye.  Seriously, I can't make this up.  She came up to me and said, "Mommy, I'm not going to cut my eye again."  Well, I freaked out for a second until I saw that she hadn't cut her eye - there was no blood or cut or damage at all.  Then, I slowly realized that she used the word "again" and she doesn't use that word unless she has in fact already done something - something she knew was bad enough that she was preempting me from banning her from ever doing it again.  Upon closer inspection, yes, almost all of her eyelashes were gone.

I may have gone delirious for a minute.  I'm pretty sure the first words out of my mouth were in another language.  I was scared that she could have really hurt herself, hurt her EYE, that I knew I wanted to scare her enough to never try it again.  I got face-to-face, crouching as low as my belly will let me, and had my serious face on.  I have no idea how it occurred to her to cut her eyelashes, but I guarantee you after our talk she won't be doing it ever again!

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