Sunday, November 4, 2012

happy halloween (finally!)

On Wednesday, we received word that Halloween was postponed until Saturday night because of Hurricane Sandy beating up parts of Pennsylvania.  It has rained for over a week straight, and I admit that the last thing I wanted to do Wednesday night was to put on coats, rain boots, and carry umbrellas while trick-or-treating.  I was fine with the change to Saturday, plus with Memaw and PawPaw visiting they got to see Britton go trick-or-treating for the first time!

You might be asking yourself why it's Britton's first year trick-or-treating, see as how she is 3 years old.  Well, first of all she doesn't need the candy, but more importantly her bedtime has always been so early that we couldn't go trick-or-treating without ending up with a very tired kid.  With her friends chatting up trick-or-treating at school (damn you, peer pressure!) and a little later bedtime, we caved and tried it out.  Britton got her coat on because the Belle dress had been on all day - no need to get into "costume" since she spends all day every day in some sort of costume.

We left PawPaw on the couch screaming at the WVU football players on the television, and set out the candy on the stoop.  The blue bucket is labeled "peanut free," not because I was trying to be over-inclusive, but because I had bought it for Britton's class and forgot it, and dang it all some peanut-allergic kid was going to benefit from the Nerds I was secretly craving.

Trick-or-treating didn't last.  Britton didn't like the kids wearing masks, she didn't understand the whole "going up to the door and saying 'trick-or-treat' out loud and pick out candy" thing and she got frustrated because I got frustrated.  So Daddy enticed her home with the promise of being the candy keeper - Britton was definitely intrigued about being the one to hand out candy!

So Memaw, Britton, and I snuggled up on the front stoop with our blankets and candy (and for us, coffee) and handed out candy for an hour.  Britton loved it!  And it gave Memaw and me a chance to discuss landscaping changes and Christmas front-porch decor ideas.  Britton took over the peanut-free candy as her own bounty, and refused to give any candy to any kid wearing a mask.  I don't blame her there - some of those masks were downright creepy.  Memaw handed out candy two at a time so we wouldn't be out there all night!  We wrapped it up, and while the hub and I left to go do some Christmas shopping, Memaw and PawPaw brought Britton down from her sugar high and wrestled her into bed.

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