Monday, November 26, 2012

deuce: sixteen weeks

Actually, it's sixteen weeks and three days, but in all honesty I've been rounding this entire pregnancy.  Most of the time I can't remember how far along I am, so I have to use the due date calendar on to tell me what week I'm in.  It's not that I don't care as much this time around, it's just that I already have a child that needs to be taken care of.  The hub I no longer stay up reading the books because we know what they say.

Good news - the nausea is GONE.  Finally.  Since the pregnancy test showed up positive I have thrown up every single day.  My nose has also been clogged every single day, and I have sinus pain daily.  I can't even put my forehead into the shower stream or it hurts.  And my feet are constantly swollen so I have to prop them up or I end up unable to walk.  But, yes, the good news, maybe the only good news, is that the nausea is gone!

People at work are acting surprised when I tell them I'm pregnant, and honestly it's hurting my feelings. Because if they think I would just naturally gain this middle growth on my own in the two months I have worked there, what does that say?  To me, I LOOK pregnant.  But, it seems to everyone else I look chubby.  Ugh.  I've been showing since week 10, I've been in maternity clothes for over a month.  Pregnant looks pregnant, right?

We have our anatomy ultrasound December 10th, and I'm holding off buying any bedding or clothes until I see proof positive of a boy on the screen!  I assume a chromosome test is pretty accurate, but I just need to see it for myself.  The hub and I are discussing names, and have decided to go with something we can imagine on a resume.  Once again, just waiting on visual confirmation.

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