Friday, November 2, 2012

39 months old

Britton has had a major boom this month - imaginative role play.  This girl pretends to be any given princess, then lays out the entire scenario with accents, inflections, and multiple characters.  Our living room has become Belle's ballroom, Sadie has become an evil stepmother witch, and I apparently have the power of breaking sleeping spells.  Britton does not break character, and it's amazing to watch and be a part of the whole "production."

She's wearing winter clothes now, as it hasn't topped 45 degrees this entire week!  We've gotten her off of fighting to wear her princess dresses every day to school, but only because we've agreed she can wear them when she gets home.  It's a win-win.  We've all settled into a predictable routine, which is good since I started work last month.  Britton doesn't seem to mind the extra 20 minutes per day she spends at daycare, and the hub and I have teamed up to get dinner on the table when Britton is used to it.

Halloween festivities have introduced Britton to candy, and she is in love!  Her favorite candy is the classic lollipop, so I've bought her some Dum Dums.  Of course, I've got to constantly remind her that lollipops aren't for breakfast, but they do make a nice snack!

Likes:  dancing with Daddy, Starbucks cake pops, orange juice, an apple during her bath, helping her teachers, painting, playing on my dad's old guitar, Costco trips

Dislikes:  not being able to wear a princess dress every minute of every day

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