Wednesday, November 14, 2012

fall festival

Britton had Fall Festival today, which is when her daycare puts on a Halloween/Thanksgiving singing show for the parents.  The hub and I had to sit through four classes before Britton's class showed up to the stage, but the kids were so cute (they started with the babies and went up in age from there) that it wasn't a problem.  

I figured we'd have some problems when Britton's class filed in and Britton did not want to get onto the stage.  I told her to go with her teacher and give big smiles, but really all she did was stand there with her fingers in her mouth and pretend to be mute.

The hub was behind me videotaping, and I played the stage mom, mouthing to Britton to "smile big!" even though everyone in the room knew Britton wasn't smiling or singing or getting those fingers out of her mouth!

But the show must go on, so the hub videotaped and I snapped 100 pictures (they all look like the one above) and we appreciated the memories of Britton singing all of those songs as recently as this morning even if she was pretending like she had no idea what everyone was singing during the show.

"Oh no!  Not the paparazzi!"

Of course, on the way home, I asked Britton why she didn't want to sing.  See, it's not that I care what the other parents think, and Britton has always been shy.  I don't really care one way or the other if she wants to participate in her school's show, but I did want to know if there was a specific problem today that made her not want to participate.  And you know what that kid said?  "Mommy, I didn't want to sing while you were taking my picture."  Then she put her leaf crown back on and gave me a big smile for the camera while idling at a stoplight.  Touche Britton.  Touche.

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