Friday, February 7, 2014

barrett: 9 months old

He's missing his sock because at his well baby visit he had his iron levels checked by blood test.  And they took the blood sample from his big toe.  But let me tell you what - even if the nurse hadn't removed that sock (and I left it off because no need to irritate it further), that sock would have been off either way.  This boy pulls off his socks first chance he gets. And recently, the sock goes directly into his mouth because he is working on FOUR new teeth up top!

See that smile?  That's Barrett, 90% of the time.  This baby is just happy.  He wakes up with a smile.  The only times he isn't smiling is if he's exhausted (like if he refuses to nap and then realizes too late that was a bad idea) or if the teething is just hurting too much.  Like Memaw said, teething hurts his feelings, and it's so true! He can usually be distracted enough, though, to get his mind off of being in a bad mood, and that smile comes back.

Some stats:  24 pounds now (98th percentile), 31 inches long (over 100th percentile), head circumference 47 cm (over 100th percentile).  Barrett is eating solids now and can feed himself Cheerios and puffs, he's drinking water out of his sippy cup, and he let's us know what he likes and what he doesn't like to eat.  Lately, Barrett has been pushing for more "real food," and loves small shell pasta, peas, diced carrots, and bread.  Dear Lord, the boy loves his bread!

Barrett is wearing size 18 months in clothes and size 4 diapers.  He's making incredible progress with his helmet, and with his measurements as they were this morning, he wouldn't qualify for a helmet.  That means his head is within normal range now!  The orthotics team wants to keep him in his helmet for a month and a half more, just for more cosmetic shaping.  

Barrett is still getting up once a night (usually around 10:30 pm or 11:00 pm) for a full 8 ounce bottle, then back down until the morning.  Before he goes to bed he's eating up to 14 ounces - yes, I have to heat up two bottles to make sure he's full!

Likes:  carbs, knocking over stacking cup towers, being tickled, Britton, Sadie, when we talk to him and react like he's talking back, beets and carrots and peas and squash 

Dislikes:  yogurt, teething

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