Saturday, December 7, 2013

barrett: 7 months old

That picture is what happens when you blind your baby with the flash immediately after him waking up!  First off, let's talk about the obvious - that cowlick.  I don't know where it came from, or when it showed up, but it looks like I got crazy with the hair gel!  Nope, it's all natural.  

Barrett has had some interesting developments lately.  At his 6 month wellness check, his doctor asked us about his flat spot on his head.  It's on the right side of his head, and honestly it didn't register as anything much to me.  I just figured it would round out when he was strong enough to sit up more.  But she sent us to the craniofacial specialist, who sent us first to a physical therapy assessment.  

My head's not that flat.  Well, it's kind of flat...

The physical therapist came over for two hours, checking every area of development, and Barrett scored high average or above average on everything.  She was confident it would just round out on its own.  But the craniofacial specialist thinks a helmet is the better route, since if it doesn't round out we will be out of options by the time he's 12 months old and his skull is hard bone.  So, I think my baby is headed (bad pun intended) towards that sad baby helmet that makes old women whisper and point and give you sympathetic looks.  But hey, we'll cover it in stickers and stick it out for a couple of months.

On to sleep - for the most part, Barrett is a good sleeper.  He's still taking his two naps a day, and has recently stopped getting up for an extra bottle at night.  Since last week, once he goes down at 6:30 pm, we don't hear anything out of him until 5:30 am, when he downs an entire bottle and sometimes a second bottle!

Barrett is now in size 12 clothing and size 3 diapers.  At the doctor appointment last week, he weighed 21 pounds and 13 ounces, so we need to install his new car seat pronto!

Barrett officially likes baby food!  He's on stage 2 foods, and for dinner will eat one and a half 4.5 ounce containers.  His favorites are apples and chicken, mac  and cheese and veggies, and sweet potatoes with anything.  He loves his puffs, and at daycare one day last week he picked up a puff and put it in his mouth by myself!  I've also introduced a sippy cup of water, which he tries to hold himself. He mostly chews on it, but does get to practice swallowing something other than formula.

Likes:  chewing on anything and everything, the walker we borrowed from Jessica, bread - rolls/cornbread, being sung to/talked to

Dislikes:  Sadie barking, tummy time for longer than 10 minutes, the cold weather

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