Sunday, March 24, 2013

our weekend (and another easter egg hunt)

Our weekends have been running by us in a blur lately.  I don't know if it's a function of planning too much or refusing to sit idle, but I feel like the weekends are over so quickly lately.  First, I hit up Jo-Anns for fabric, forgetting it was the weekend before Easter.   Whoops!  All the Pinterest ladies were crowding the cutting counter, asking for help for their project du jour and I just wanted a couple half yards cut!  One older lady pointed at my belly and said, "She gets to go next!  She's going to pop!"  In fact, my number was next, but I gave her a thanks just the same.  These fabrics are for a quilt Caroline and I are making when she and Jessica come visit after I have the baby.  Don't they make a pretty rainbow?

I took Britton to dance class and the library on Saturday morning while the hubs went four-wheeling.  This was also his chance to try out the Go Pro camera his parents gave us for Christmas.  He has now taken over iMovie and is somewhere in the process of adding music to his helmet-cam video.  Just ask - he'll gladly show you the video!  Britton picked up a coloring book, courtesy of some state representative, in the racks outside the library (you know, the racks that hold tourist pamphlets and brochures about municipal tax rates).  This morning, Britton and the hubs went to town coloring the owl, who Britton named "Girly" thanks to her many pink hues.

Then, this afternoon, we were off to the neighborhood East Egg Hunt.  It was cold - we're supposed to get snow all week - and Britton was the only girl in her Easter dress.  For this hunt, you could collect as many eggs as you dropped off for the event, so that gave Britton ample egg hunting of 24 eggs.

They had refreshments for the kids only, but I did manage to snag the hubs a cherry Capri-Sun. Britton enjoyed her first Capri-Sun ever, and her rice krispy treat.  We passed on the "crafts" table, because really, we were there to hunt the eggs.  Waiting until 2:15 pm was hard enough for a kid that was up at 6:30 am, but the slight distraction of a crafts table wasn't cutting it for Britton.  You can see below that the field o'eggs were just staring the kids down!

They let the kids 3 years old and younger get a head start, so I helped Britton to the front of the line.  Here is the common area at the front of the neighborhood where the hunt was held.  Yes, it is in fact just a field with Easter eggs thrown everywhere!

The hubs counted Britton's eggs to make sure we hadn't gone over our allotted 24 eggs.  The attendees at the event seemed like the kind of people that would throw a fit if your kid took too many eggs.  And since it was cold and we didn't feel like doing crafts, we piled into the truck and went home to check out Britton's stash!

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