Monday, October 7, 2013

barrett: 5 months old

It's hard to believe that Barrett is already five months old now, closing in on half a year.  The changes in the last month have been overwhelming, both good and not so good.  Developmentally, Barrett is right on track - he can roll from his back to his tummy, though once he gets on his tummy he's pretty mad about it!  He can also grab for objects and move them from one hand to the other. And of course get objects into his mouth, as everything he gets near goes directly into that drool-covered mouth!  It feels like he's been teething for a couple of months and we still haven't felt a tooth come through yet.  Barrett has also discovered his voice, and impresses his daycare teachers by yelling loudly, just to hear himself!

At his last doctor's appointment at the end of September, Barrett was 19 pounds, 12 ounces and 28.5 inches long, both measurements following the same percentiles as his previous measurements - over 100%.  He's wearing 9 month clothing and size 3 diapers, and I've already bought his size 12 month fall clothing.  

Previously, Barrett was sleeping from 6:30 pm until 6:00 am, with one feeding usually around 1:30 am.  Well, those days are gone!  We still do his bath around 6:20 pm, then feed him about 7 ounces before putting him down.  But now he's back up at 10:00 pm for another 7-8 ounces, back down until 2:30 am or 3:00 am, then back up for another 7 ounces, then asleep until 6:30 am or so.  Growth spurt maybe?  And it's borderline ridiculous at this point because the minute he wakes up he is howling for a bottle!  Seriously, this kid has no patience, and apparently our track record of always feeding him immediately after the bottle has warmed gives him no peace of mind that we'll keep it up.   

We've started on baby food, and suffice it to say, Barrett is not impressed.  He doesn't much like rice cereal or baby oatmeal, and so far he's only kind of liked Ella's Kitchen's pumpkin/sweet potatoes/apples/blueberries.  He turned his nose up at carrots, squash, green beans, peas, and pears.  I'm not pushing it, just offering baby food about every other day and only as much as he will eat willingly.  I'm just crossing my fingers he gets into food soon so he'll stop with all this night waking!

Barrett's newest discovery (besides the hands he won't take out of his mouth) is Britton.  Man, is he ever smitten with Britton.  And she willingly entertains him while I'm making dinner or driving, just making him smile and laugh.  Barrett is also now enjoying walks in the stroller, and being outside more.    And he has discovered his toes, which provide him endless entertainment, even if it's just trying to grab them.

He's still doing two, sometimes three, naps a day.  On the weekends and most weekdays, he'll nap twice for anywhere from two to three hours per nap.  Sometimes he'll cut his naps to one hour, and then he gets an extra nap tacked on to the end of his day.  

Likes:  bath time, Britton's bean bag chair, Sophie the Giraffe teether, the elephant toy Peggy and Mary got him (his favorite stuffed toy by far), walks, yelling

Dislikes:  baby food, wind (takes his breath away), being tired, being hungry

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