Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of july

Yesterday, Britton celebrated the Fourth of July at school with a parade around the school. Complete with a glittered bowl hat and a baton made of what I think was originally a drink swizzle stick.  With paper streamers taped to it, because you all know it's not a party (or, in this case, our nation's birthday party) without some streamers!  And she was so proud of the tie-dye shirt she made at school, even though she pointed out that she didn't actually get to "make" it.  She explained that only the teachers were allowed to touch the dye, but I explained that she still got to help because she watched.  That's logic to a three-year-old!

I wanted to surprise Britton and go see the parade, but Sadie's impacted anal gland (for the love of God, do not google that image) and subsequent emergency vet visit put that plan out of reach.  And for anyone wondering about Sadie, tomorrow morning she's getting sedated and having that sucker cleaned out.  I can't talk about how much money this dog has cost us without crying.  

Back to less gross things - the 4th!  We were all home today and didn't do much in the way of celebrating.  Britton and I made it to the pool for some swimming and Slush Puppies, and I went to the grocery store.  Man, we know how to live it up! We weren't invited to any cook-outs, and with small kids we don't enjoy fireworks shows so much as curse them these days.  It's not even dark here until at least 9:00 pm, and any enjoyment Britton would get out of a fireworks show would be quickly replaced by overtired shenanigans and crabbiness.  That girl needs her sleep, and so does her mommy, so we're skipping fireworks until everyone in house can stay up that late!

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