Tuesday, July 2, 2013

47 months old

Let me tell you something about birthday parties in Pennsylvania - invites go out early.  Two weeks ago, we received an invite to a kid's party that falls on the Saturday before Britton's party, as in one week prior.  So I got my invites squared away (ordered from Etsy and printed them out at Kinkos) and put them in school cubbies last week.  For a party that's still 5 weeks away.

Even with planning her party and ordering presents, I still can't believe Britton is one month away from turning FOUR.  Last Saturday we were at the library and the librarian was trying to sign kids up for the summer reading club.  She asked me what grade Britton is in, and was floored when I told her Britton is only three years old!  She was certain Britton had at least finished kindergarten because, in her words, "she's so tall!"  That she is, librarian lady, that she is.  The hubs and I actually looked it up, and Britton is the average height and weight of an eight-year-old.  I can't make this stuff up!

Britton can write her alphabet, her first and last name, and her numbers.  I discovered that she could write numbers when we were playing hopscotch last Sunday and she proceeded to draw her own hopscotch game and fill it in with 1 through 10.  It is such an odd disconnected feeling when your child is learning things you didn't teach her.  

She's doing really well dealing with the addition of her brother, if only because we have made sure she gets plenty of time alone with me.  Every weekend I take her to her swim lessons and the library, and any errands I need to run, and every evening after dinner we take a walk together.  Then when we get home I do her bath and books and tucking in.  It's tiring, but it works!

Did I mention that she threw out her first swear word?  It was bound to come.  A couple of weeks ago when Memaw was visiting, Memaw was trying to get her dog Boomer to go outside and pee.  Well, Britton sees it and goes, "That damn dog!"  I think it's a safe assumption that she heard PawPaw say it about Boomer, because I've heard him say it myself.  But we got such a kick out of it (the hubs and I had to hide our laughter), even though we had to have to inevitable discussion about "adult words" and how there are just some words kids can't say.  

Likes:  meatballs (she'd have them every meal), granola bars, pink lemonade, vanilla milkshakes, swimming and the water park, cutting anything and everything with her scissors, painting with the hubs, helping out with gardening and cleaning, reading books, Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood

Dislikes:  Sadie sitting on her, riding her bike (I don't know why)

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