Sunday, July 7, 2013

2 months old

Two months feels like the first big milestone to reach!  We've made it through the newborn up-all-night ridiculousness and completely random eating and sleeping, and settled into a nice routine.  Now that Barrett has rid himself of the gas issues for the most part, his personality is coming out.  Barrett is a sweet baby, usually only fussy when he has a burp he can't get out.  In the evenings, during the "Witching Hour" of 6:00 pm until 7:00 - 8:00 pm, he can be cantankerous.  He makes the hubs soothe him like there's no tomorrow.  

But mostly, he's just content. He eats his bottle (usually 3-4 oz) of Similac Alimentum and Sensitive combined.  Using only Alimentum makes him spit up because it's too thin, using only Sensitive makes him spit up because it's too thick, so combining the two is the winning combo for him.  When he's finished eating, he turns his head and shuts his eyes.  He's full and he's ready to nap.

We moved him into his room to nap, still in the Rock and Play.  He naps longer in there by himself (went for a 3 hour nap today!) and I swaddle him for every nap except his last afternoon nap.  Once he wakes up he thinks he's starving and needs a bottle immediately.  Then I keep him upright for about 10 minutes to prevent spitting up and hiccups (the hiccups lead to gas and irritated stomach issues).  Once we're in the clear, I change his diaper and make faces at him. This boy is a flirt!  He loves cooing at me, sticking out his tongue at me when I stick mine out at him, and squinting up his eyes and laughing.  If he gets to check out the black and white pictures on the wall, he's happy.  Tummy time, not so much!  Then between 45 minutes and an hour and 15 minutes after waking up from his nap, he's ready for an ounce or two of formula (we call this his "Angry Ounce") and some quick rocking, and he's back in the Rock and Play, to put himself to sleep.

We haven't moved him into his room for night sleeping because the bottle warmer we ordered isn't here yet.  We have a two story house, and as I've whined about before, I'm not walking up and down stairs all night.  So the hubs and I decided to move our mini-fridge and a bottle warmer to our room and prep bottles there when he feeds at night.  Night feeding was moving to only 1:00 am and 5:00 am (going to bed at 8:00 pm), then he decided to go to bed at 7:30 pm and wanted to feed at 12:00 am, 3:00 am, and 6:00 am.  So we're still waiting for that to work itself out!  But we've kept to our bedtime routine religiously, and he now loves his baths.

Barrett likes when I take him outside during the day to feel the sunshine (if we're lucky) and hear the birds.  A little bit of stimulation goes a long way, so we try to keep things relatively calm around him until he's older and can handle more.

He doesn't have his doctor appointment until Wednesday (first immunizations) so I don't know his weight or length.  But I suspect he's at least 16 pounds because this boy is heavy!  He's in size 2 diapers already, and wearing 6 month (and some 9 month) clothing already.

Likes:  smiling and interacting with us, warm bottles, when Britton talks to him, his bath, riding in the car, his room, the swing

Dislikes:  waiting for bottles, tummy time, having his nails trimmed (he won't unclench his fists, so we can't trim them!)

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