Sunday, December 30, 2012

Jessica's family visit

When we planned for Jessica and her family of six to visit after Christmas, somehow we never factored in the possibility of snow.  And we got snow.  Not just a sprinkle, we got a full-on snow storm Wednesday AND Saturday!  Luckily, Britton has a sled and we have a sloped back yard.  Jessica came prepared with snow bibs for the kids, and everyone rotated outside to play and inside to warm up.  

Wooden spoons for arms, dead flower buds for eyes...That's how the song goes, right?

Caroline thought up sno-cones!  We added solo cups and grenadine, and the girls were happy!

The first three - and all remember when it was just them for so long

On Saturday morning, we woke up to even more snow.  We had planned to split up, with the hub, Tim, and Garrett off to Cabela's in Wheeling, West Virginia, and the ladies (plus Jason) heading out to the Pittsburgh Children's Museum.  Except we never made it there.  We all loaded into the van, after digging it out of the driveway, and made it to the 7-11 for gas.  With the amount of snow sticking to the roads and the slick conditions, Jessica and I decided that it was better to just go back to the house.

Except that lead to a little cabin fever!  Luckily, Caroline has been bitten by the baking bug.  A girl after my own heart!  We made clementine scones and a copycat Starbucks lemon loaf.  Both turned out great, but the lemon loaf turned out even better than the Starbucks version!

Cupcake apron, and "Cupcake" is Caroline's nickname - coincidence?

While the girls were baking, I was practicing with a baby boy.  His tongue sticking out means he's not impressed!

The guys made it back from Cabelas in one piece, so we set out to clear the driveway and entertain the kids outside of the house.  The hub took out the four-wheeler and gave rides around the back yard, and his tracks helped shape the sled trails.  Saturday night we all sat around talking and catching up, and eating key lime pie.  A fun family visit, and we all survived the snow!

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