Wednesday, May 2, 2012

thirty-three months old

Britton is all of 33 months old today! I write this while looking at the baby monitor, and seeing the little girl I put to bed over 40 minutes ago sneaking back into her bed with a book. She is flipping the pages, and I can't really be mad because at least it's a book. Plus, my sister and I used to read "Sweet Valley Twins" and "Babysitter's Club" until the wee hours, so I get it. The "new bed" seems to be going well (at least, until tonight!), though Britton really does not like the sheets on her. And she's mastering the potty training, having barely any accidents during the day. She still wears a pull-up at night because I'm not excited about doing any more laundry than I have to!

Britton is still eating well, and brushes her teeth by herself every night. We spend a lot of time playing outside, going to the park, and watching Dora. And Britton is into painting and coloring and as always, stickers.  She loves Sadie so much now, searching her out for playing.   And Britton's newest interest is brushing my hair!  She puts in bows and pony tails and just has a blast.

Likes: lemonade, sunglasses, chapstick, skirts and dresses, flip flops, Sadie, and flowers

Dislikes: napping, being rushed in the morning, and having someone else wash her hair (and rinse her hair, but I just have to because there's usually shampoo left)

Books: "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake" by Laura Numeroff; "Dora and the Enchanted Forest;" "Dora's Big Pony Race;" "My Book of the Seasons" by Stephanie Calmenson; and "Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots?" by Carmela LaVigna Coyle

Funny story - I went out last night to get some shirts at Hollister for my nephew's birthday, and Britton saw the bag this morning. She pointed at it and said, "That girl doesn't have a shirt. She needs a shirt!" Ha!

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