Monday, May 21, 2012

first ballet recital

Britton's ballet recital was this morning! The hub and I took Britton to daycare early this morning, since she was supposed to be there at 7:30 am for the 8:00 am recital. I got Britton dressed in her white leotard and white tights, and she decided to add the tutu and blue beaded necklace. She even let me put her hair in a bun! We treated her to the breakfast of champions - cinnamon toast. A Sunday morning staple in our house.

When we got to daycare we were told Britton could go to her class and the teacher would pick her up from there.  We went and hung out, and let me tell you.  Remember when you were in school and would have died of embarrassment if anyone saw you even somewhat near one of your parents?  Daycare is the total opposite - parents are cool!

After Britton finished her cinnamon toast and apple, the hub was getting antsy and we decided to go to the big room where the recital was being held.  A handful of parents were already there, hogging the best seats.  So we readied our camera and video camera and just hung out until the teacher arrived.  

I have a story to share here, and it's the perfect example of why many women don't have "mommy friends."  The teacher came into the recital room and asked in general if their kids were in their classrooms (Britton was the only kid there).  All the moms said yes, and one mom replies, "Yes, they're all waiting to get picked up in their rooms.  Well......(turns around to stare at Britton and me)...I guess not all of them."  The hub looks at me and goes, "Really?  Are you kidding me?" just a touch louder than I would have ventured, but I seriously didn't mind him calling out this woman.  What does it matter where the kids are waiting?  Ugh.  Just ugh.

Dora the Ballerina said, "That's so rude!"

Anywho, the teacher wrangled up the kids and took them to the hallway to hand out tutus.  Britton wanted me to go with her, so I hung out while she picked the red tutu.  Then she began to "warm up".....

Time for the show!  I went back to the seats to sit with the hub, while the kids all lined up and made their way to the stage.  The teacher had all the kids say their name and do a spin, but Britton refused to talk.  

Are you noticing  here that all the kids (other than Britton) have a leotard proudly proclaiming the dance school's name and logo in silver glitter?  Yeah, I don't know why everyone is wearing them, because the instructions just said to get a white leotard.  And we all know how ridiculously difficult that was for me!  

Britton did so well!  She did three dances, and then a girl in her class decided to bolt from the stage to go to the potty.  Well, that gave Britton her out, and she looked at me with the pouty mouth and the hands waving frantically towards me.  I certainly didn't want her to hate being up there, so I motioned to her that she could come sit with us.  Then, a couple more girls gave up and trickled into the audience.  At this age, you kind of expect it.  So all the girls were invited back up to the stage to take a bow.  

We are so proud of Britton!  She did a great job and really enjoyed herself.  I'll try to add video later if the computer will cooperate!

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