I am officially 28 weeks and 3 days into my pregnancy. I had a doctor's appointment today, and beforehand I did my glucose test. Now you don't have to fast before the test, but it's best to eat a breakfast of bacon and eggs, not sugary cereal. So I got up with the hub, made us breakfast, and then sat around until I was ready to drink the glucola. At 9:00 a.m. exactly I chugged the fruit punch glucola. It was not nearly as bad as the horror stories I have heard, but around a minute into drinking, it started to taste less like Hawaiian punch and more like medicine. I got in the car and headed to the lab, only to be told I needed my lab form. So, I went upstairs and got the form, then back down to wait another 22 minutes. After having my blood drawn, I went upstairs to wait for my doctor's appointment (and eat some tums I avoided before the blood test).
The whole appointment was routine. I won't give you details (because you'll be sick), but the term "mucus plug" did come up. Yuck! I told nurse Stephanie that it was a disgusting idea and it gave me the willies. Plus, ever since being pregnant, I cannot stomach anything medical in nature. I am measuring at 28 weeks, I have gained 21 pounds total, and my blood pressure is still really good. The baby's heartbeat is at 160 beats per minute.
Dr. Doeden and I had our question and answer session: (1) recommendations for pediatricians; (2) tops of feet are red - totally normal; (3) baby movements varying - totally normal; (4) 3D/4D ultrasound - am I going to have to pay Stork Vision $200 or am I getting one in the office? Jackpot! My third trimester ultrasound will be 3D/4D (I don't really know the difference, but it beats grainy pictures) and I will have it June 17th at 2:30 p.m. when the in-laws are visiting, and they can come and see.
Then I had to meet with the insurance billing people at the office so I could sign over a check for 20% of the delivery fee. Ugh. By the way, this delivery fee (assuming I have a vaginal birth, which I'm hoping for) DOES NOT INCLUDE hospital fees, anesthesia, the pediatrician, pathology, blood tests, urine tests, ultrasounds, or fetal monitoring. Yay for me! And my bank account! I am thankful that I have insurance in the first place, but I've already met my deductible for my public defender insurance, so switching insurances means I have to meet another deductible. And I need to meet with the hospital account services to pre-register and get all my other fees worked out. I have heard that the hospital gives away NOTHING, so even though I may think those snazzy socks with the tread are free, they aren't.
By the way, you may notice the bouncy cradle in the background of the picture. The hub put it together, and now it is ready. No co-sleeper for me, and our featherbed means the baby isn't crashing with us. This bouncy is supposed to help with fussiness and reflux, as it holds baby at the optimum 30 degree incline, and baby's own movements make it bounce and sway. I want one for my adult size, and I've caught Sadie eyeing it too often.
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