GIRL! The ultrasound tech said everything looks great - she's measuring at 21 weeks, which I am. My belly is also measuring at 21 weeks. Only problem seems to be that I have a low-lying placenta, which the doctor wants to check out with another ultrasound at 28 weeks. Since 90% of low-lying placentas correct themselves with the growth of the uterus, I've decided not to worry unless there's something to worry about.
The whole experience is a lot to take in. I think the hub and I just stared at the monitor with mouths wide open. If the tech told me I drooled a little, I would have believed her. The hands, the legs, the fingers, the little feet, the stomach, the kidneys, the brain, the little heart and its four chambers...
all so amazing. We even saw her (I am still getting used to pronouns) open and close her mouth. Crazy.
Here is the face (which the hub and I think looks a little skeletor-ish):
And a beautiful profile picture:
Baby B's right eye in this one kind of creeps me out, and I don't know if it's just reflection or distortion or what:
The hub checking out the ultrasound photos and letting it all sink in:
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