Friday, March 27, 2015

life keeps on keeping on

I haven't updated much because there hasn't been much to update!  Our lives have been relatively calm lately, and I'll take that every day of the week and twice on Sundays.  Here's the thing - I work with some young, unmarried, no-kid people, who tell me about their wild weekends and bar hopping and newest-awesome-restaurant attending, and it's great and good for them!  But around here, our days are pretty routine and there's a good chance that at 5:32 pm we are eating dinner and at 7:07 pm Britton is putting together a new configuration of her marble run while Barrett is talking to himself in his crib. 

If you come by our house, you're likely to see....

Barrett putting every single purse or bag we own on his arm.  And he holds his arm like I do when I hold my purse!  

Someone getting hurt.  We went on the nature trail last weekend, and Britton fell on the gravel and skinned up her knees badly.  She's been a trooper, but I know her knees still hurt.  She gets a kick out of me puncturing vitamin E capsules to rub on the scabs, and leaving off band-aids so her wounds can "breathe."  I do and say these things, and suddenly I realize I sound

Barrett refusing to cooperate for his birthday invitation photo shoot.  And me realizing that I've got less two months to get this party planned (at least we decided on a theme - John Deere!), and I have a 6 hour seminar to teach the week after.  Time management and I are having trouble getting along lately.

Us all playing outside after dinner.  We were spoiled with warm spring weather for a whole week, and the minute the forks hit the plate, the kids were begging to go outside and play.  Today it started snowing and getting cold, and Britton and Barrett's only concession was to put on coats.  They wanted that outdoor time, and no doubt it comes from the months upon months we spent indoors this winter.

Britton is getting really good at hitting the ball!  

Barrett loves the playset, though I still don't trust him to climb up it without me hovering in case he falls.  If there's water pooled at the bottom of the slide, it won't deter him from going down anyways.

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