Sunday, March 8, 2015

barrett: 22 months old

Yes, for a second month in a row I am a day late in posting.  I did take the pictures yesterday, but I've been under a horrible fog of sickness for three days now, and completely forgot to post them yesterday! We are two months away from this little boy turning two years old!  How did this only just occur to me?!  I think in an effort to distract myself from the sadness of my last baby no longer being a baby, I will instead plunge head-first into Pinterest and Etsy and plan his birthday party.  I see a John Deere theme shaping up....

We do breakfast shirtless, with a hat for warmth, and two different kinds of cereal...

You wouldn't know it from that smile, but that poor boy has an ear infection, and today was running at 103 degree fever.  Even when he's not feeling good, he doesn't complain - he just wants to snuggle.  And you see that red cheek below?  Sure sign he's getting a molar in.  Barrett's cheeks have always turned red when he's teething (well, they turn red when he sleeps, but stay red if he's teething!).  And his other cheek is bruised because he whacked himself in the face with a play phone.  Barrett is not timid, and frequently we find him jumping off ottomans, climbing up chairs, and in general taking more risks than I would like.

Oh, and he is so in need of his first haircut!  It's not a fashion statement or gender-equality thing; it's pure laziness on my part!  I promise that it is getting taken care of next weekend.  Barrett is in a new class at school, and just fitting in so well.  I think he likes being with the older kids, and was getting lost in the "baby-ness" of his previous class.  Now he gets a cup for drinking, and more hands-on activities and crafts, and tons of music, singing, and dancing.  And his all-time favorite - books.  Oh, if we could read 500 books a night, it wouldn't be enough!

Likes:  Sadie, anything Britton will let him play with her, going outside to play today for the first time in MONTHS

Dislikes:  having sticky hands

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