Sunday, March 29, 2015

hello, cleveland!

The hubs and I headed out early yesterday morning, bound for the Cleveland Home and Remodeling Show.  Nope, we're not remodeling, not in the market for new windows or a hot tub - we were there because Chip and Joanna Gaines of "Fixer Upper" were there too!  Memaw told us about their show last year, and the hubs and I love their show.  We knew they'd be popular enough to draw a crowd, but we had no idea what we were in for.

Once the doors opened, we sprinted to the chairs in front of the main stage (a whole hour before they were set to speak).  We managed to get third row seats!  And then, as we settled in, we noticed that all the seats were taken and people were still coming.  Here is the crowd behind us:

Matt Fox (who I remember from "Hometime," and my father-in-law loathes with a passion because he is essentially an actor and has no real home improvement knowledge) came out and started getting the crowd riled up.  Then guess who came out?  Chip and Jojo!

They told some funny stories about how they got to where they are today, then took questions from the audience.  They were both absolutely entertaining, and exactly how they are on television (Chip even asked if his hair looked ok!).

It was freezing in Cleveland, and after we toured the booths of the show, we headed outside to the parking garage.  It was then that the hubs and I noticed that Lake Erie was still frozen!

We went to the B Spot, Michael Symon's hamburger restaurant.  This entire wall was covered in beer cans!  We got cheeseburgers and onion rings, then shared a mocha milkshake.  The hubs had pork cracklings, but I couldn't stand the sight of them!  We both needed to be carted to the car, we were so full!

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