Monday, February 2, 2015

66 months old

Have I mentioned how much five years old rocks?  I can find something good (and bad) about every age, but five is turning out to be one heck of an awesome year.  There is a sense of relief, that life has just gotten easier and we didn't even know it.  Britton does such "grown up" things that just surprise me - asking if she can be excused from the table, taking her plate to the sink without me asking, and she distracts Barrett when all he wants is my cell phone.  

Britton's current love is art.  Her teacher had some Mr. Sketch smelly markers, and Britton asked if she could please please please get some too.  It's funny because every time I pick her up from school, another kid has acquired the same markers!  Pretty soon every kid will have their own set.  She loves coloring and drawing, and I end up keeping every picture she makes.

Britton "hearts" Valentine's Day

And animals!  Britton is smitten with the Wild Kratts television show, and she has learned so much about animals.  We're still doing a lot of reading.  We've started reading the "Mensa Kids" reading list, and I have discovered some books I never read as a kid.  One book is "The Mouse and the Motorcycle," which kept Britton enthralled through all 158 pages.  And we're making our way through "Where the Sidewalk Ends" by Shel Silverstein.

Likes:  wrestling with the hubs, playing in the snow, baking with me, playing with her dolls (especially when they get to dress alike)

Dislikes:  wearing pants, getting up early

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