Friday, October 31, 2014

happy halloween!

We started our Halloween festivities yesterday, when Britton and Barrett's daycare had their Halloween parade.  The parade is at the end of the day, so we went with costumes that could be comfortable.  Barrett was a cowboy!  This might be the easiest costume ever.  I made his vest out of fleece, and we already had the jean shirt, jeans, and bandana.  Then I ordered a cowboy hat.

Barrett's class went before Britton's class, walking through the parking lot then stopping for class pictures.

Then Britton's class came out!  Oddly enough, only two Elsas.  Seriously, I was totally expecting her whole class to be Elsa!  Britton wanted to be a seal ever since we went to the Marine Science Museum with Cammy and Alexandria and she saw the seals in the tank.  Britton loves seals, but apparently the Halloween costume industry does not!  I could not find a decent seal costume to save my life.  So, a grey hoodie footie pajama and some felt and googly eyes, and a couple of hours later, and we had a seal costume!

And a tail stuffed with pillow fluff....

Today, I picked up the kids early so we could get home and eat dinner before the neighborhood trick-or-treating antics began.

Britton got back into her costume, and then helped me set up the candy bowl and jack o'lanterns.  As the hubs took Barrett upstairs for his bath, Britton and I headed out for some trick-or-treating fun.

It was rainy and chilly, but her costume was so warm and snuggly Britton didn't even need a coat.  

We used black glitter on the spots because seriously, everything is better with glitter.  In this picture you can better see my weird, free-hand tail.

Happy Halloween!  May your night be filled with candy and fright!


  1. Way to go on handmaking the seal costume! It turned out great!

    That pic of Josh and Barrett dressed up is freaking adorable :)

  2. Thanks Mandy! Josh loved seeing Barrett dressed up as an Oklahoma cowboy :)
