Sunday, October 5, 2014

loving fall: to the pumpkin patch we go

I officially declare that it is fall around these parts!  We ushered in the fall weather at Britton's soccer practice on Saturday morning, when the wind picked up, the rain came in sideways, and then not five minutes later the sun peaked out.  Fall in Pennsylvania tends to be completely random!  And while the hubs and I can burn Yankee Candle's "Mountain Lodge" candle all day, have a never-ending pot of apple cider on the stove, and sprinkle cinnamon and pumpkin puree all over the kids, nothing says "FALL" like a visit to the pumpkin patch.  Plus, well, we needed some pumpkins.

Of course, the minute we got there it started getting really windy.  Memaw and I knew what was up, so everyone stayed in the car while the rain poured, then we all lumbered out five minutes later.  Britton wanted to get pumpkins first, and we were good with picking out from the pile.  The idea of going into the field to pick our own, knee-deep in mud, was not appealing!  

There is a barn with pigs, baby chickens, and donkeys, and I could only stand being in there for about two minutes.  The ammonia smell was overwhelming!  But these pigs were too cute, so I held my breath and got a picture.

Then it was hayride time!  Barrett stayed with Memaw and PawPaw.  We sold Memaw and PawPaw's golf cart to the owner of the farm about two years ago, and we spotted it on the way in, parked in the driveway.  I think PawPaw just wanted to see the golf cart again!  So the hubs, Britton, and I got onto the hay bales, while PawPaw hunted down the golf cart.  

Then on the way back to the main area of the pumpkin patch, we ran into the farm cat.  Britton loves cats, and they love her right back.  This cat was all about letting Britton pet her, but the minute I got a hand in there she hissed.  She must have sensed that I'm not a big cat person!

Then Barrett decided to have a photo shoot, LL Bean-style.  The hat is from Aunt Jessica!

We grabbed some hot apple cider and decided to head home.  Everyone was freezing cold!

Our bounty!  I'm waiting to carve the pumpkins into jack o'lanterns until we're closer to Halloween.  One warm day could send them into meltdown!

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