Monday, September 8, 2014

barrett: 16 months old

Yep, I missed a month.  First time ever.  Honestly, I did remember yesterday that it was Barrett's monthly birthday;  it's just that I remembered while I was putting him to bed.  And a small part of me was thinking, "I'll just run down and print out his sign, and grab the camera, and...."  Nope.  That boy was tired and would not have put up with such shenanigans!  So I'm pretending like today is September 7th and that I didn't flake out on yesterday's date.

Barrett is such a delight.  I know I say it, and say it often, but he really is keeping up that streak of just being a happy baby.  He loves to walk, teetering down the backyard slope to the driveway, with a little smile and glance back up at us.  Then he finds his Cozy Coupe and we're off to the races.  Ride in it?  Naw, this guy loves to push it up and down and up and down and up and down the street.  And when it's not the Cozy Coupe, it's Britton's old doll stroller.  Then he knocks it over and rolls the tires until they are spinning quickly.  He just loves things that roll.

He's talking more too now, and has added to his vocabulary with "no" (would love to lose that word!), "uh oh," "ba ba" (sheep), "PawPaw," and he calls Memaw "nana" and we're not quite sure why.  Barrett has been known to just walk up to the hubs, grip his legs, and give him a big bear hug, for no reason.  He loves to cuddle, and his teachers report that if they sit down, Barrett shows up instantly, trying to plop down in their laps!

Likes:  throwing his dinner to the floor for Sadie (Sadie is also a big fan of this.  The hubs and I?  Not so much), going on walks, his new bucket swing, playing with Britton

Dislikes:  when the cabinets are locked (and he can't get in them),  being hungry, not getting to play with any electronic

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