Tuesday, September 2, 2014

61 months old

Not only did Britton start Kindergarten today, she also turned 61 months old (5 years, 1 month).  I have no idea how long I will continue to take her monthly picture, but I imagine I'm not going to stop until she refuses to do it.  And I'm not ready for ornery until at least middle school, so if she's sitting for her "144 months old" picture, then I'll consider it a success.

Britton is so sweet, quiet when she's full of thought, more and more outgoing every day, the kind of girl that still hides behind my legs, but then waves at strangers on the beach.  She's polite, except when she sometimes isn't, and that flare of sassiness rears up, just to remind me that she is in fact her mother's daughter.  Britton loves learning but gets frustrated when things don't come easily, when things aren't "perfect," and I remember what that was like, and know that it is my job to entice her to try new things, even when they are difficult.  The perfectionist trait is inherited. 

Our little princess on a John Deere tractor, that girl.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.  

Likes:  Kindergarten, the beach, Butters the Cat (Cammy's, via Aunt Jessica), visiting family, writing in her notebook and journal, copying words off of boxes and containers, riding her bike, exploring the neighborhood nature trails with me

Dislikes:  ending a fun vacation, noodles (this week - it'll be something else next week!)

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