Wednesday, May 7, 2014

happy first birthday, barrett!

My ridiculously incredible and sweet son is a year old today!  I know everyone says it, and maybe that's because it's true - the time flies by so fast.  I mean, an entire year has passed and I remember snippets, but not the exact moment Barrett stopped being a little baby.  He so easily became a part of our family, it was as if he was never not here.  He wakes every morning with a smile, he cuddles as a default, and he loves every minute he spends with Britton.  

On to some milestones - Barrett can clap and hold your hands and make them clap too; he says "Momma" and "Dada" and sometimes "hi" and "bye;" he can pull himself to standing and walk holding onto something like furniture or us; he dances to music.  He weighs 27 pounds, 11 ounces and is 32 inches tall.  He wears size 24 month clothes and size 5 diapers.  He now has eight teeth, with two of them coming in just this week (the ones on either side of his bottom middle teeth).

His favorite toys are his musical instruments, especially maracas and the drum, and the Weebles.  Barrett loves sitting a couple feet from me and rolling a ball back and forth to each other, and even throws it to me.  Nothing is safe, not even Britton's toys, and her toy kitchen food is a favorite to teethe on.  

And eating.  As you can see below, he's full-on real food now!  His favorites include taco meat, mashed potatoes, fish, any kind of crackers, any kind of bread, corn, carrots, spinach, yogurt, and strawberries.  Now that's he's one, we're transitioning him from formula to milk, and hallelujah we never have to buy formula again!

To celebrate Barrett's birthday, we had cake after dinner.  Barrett was unsure at first, but threw his hands into the icing anyways.

Hmmmm......this thick stuff is kind of sweet.........

I snuck a birthday hat on him before he got too engrossed in the cake, and Britton gave him some love.  Then Barrett set about destroying the cake and getting good and sticky!

Before bath time, we let him open presents.  The hubs and I got him a toy remote control (he loves television remotes) and a tug boat for his bath.  We plan on getting him a sandbox too, but we've put it off until it finally warms up for good around here.

Britton helped him unwrap, since Barrett was more into eating the wrapping paper than unwrapping!

Aunt Jessica sent us gifts too - a cute two-pack of summer rompers (she knows I'm a sucker for nautical clothes!) and two books.  Books are such an under-rated gift - with having read Britton's books 100 times each, by the time I'm reading Barrett books at night, I'm going to need all new material!

Memaw and PawPaw are coming this weekend, and we'll celebrate with a trip to our favorite Mexican restaurant and more cake.  Why not keep the celebration rolling?  You only turn one once, and this little guy deserves to party!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Barrett! Can't believe it's been a year already!
