Friday, May 2, 2014

57 months old

No longer an infant or a toddler or whatever comes after, Britton is now a full-on kid.  Three months shy of five years old, and this girl looks years older.  Maybe it's Britton's height, or her ridiculous vocabulary and math skills, or her sweet patient ways with Barrett, but she's certainly not what I imagined when I thought of four-year-old Britton.  I think the one aspect I am enjoying the most right now is Britton's imagination.  She spent the afternoon wrapping "presents" (random stuff from around the house) because she wanted it to be Christmas.  And this of course made perfect sense because minutes prior when we were outside, she told me she is Queen Elsa from Frozen, and was dead set on turning spring into winter.    

Britton's class at school has started reading chapter books (well, the teachers read them to the kids!) and I've noticed that Britton has now moved towards preferring longer books as a result.  She gets six books a night, and while I sometimes don't really feel like reading for 30 minutes every night, I always do because she so looks forward to it.  And I remind myself that there will come a time, all too soon, when she's reading books under her covers by flashlight (like Jessica and I and our "Sweet Valley Twins" addiction), and won't need me to read.  So I gladly take her to the library every week after dance class, loading up on up to 20 books a week, just to give me some variety!  Her favorite tonight was "The Snatchabook" by Helen Docherty, and I agree.

Britton loves her ballet class, and the recital is in one month.  After ballet is over, she will take swimming lessons at the water park/pool across the street from our neighborhood, then soccer again in the fall.  I let her choose her activity, with the agreement that we only do one activity a season, and we finish what we start.  Next August she'll start kindergarten, and we'll start exploring music lessons, depending on what she's interested in.  Ya'll know I'm rooting for the piano!

Likes:  spending five straight days with Memaw, going to the park (it's finally warming up around here), swinging on the swing set with Barrett, painting/anything to do with art, getting to brush her teeth by herself

Dislikes:  when Barrett grabs one of her toys (which lead her to proclaim this morning that she does not like sharing)

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