Sunday, January 19, 2014

nostalgia, the anti-letting go

Boomerang nostalgia.  I don't even know if that's a real term, or if it completely describes what I've been feeling, but it's as close as I'm going to get.  We are securely into that lull between the festivities and time off work from Christmas and the warmer spring days yet to come.  So lately, we've all just been going to work/school during the week, and running errands intermixed with little adventures on the weekend.  Because we haven't been busy, I've been directing my energy to two things:  sewing (no surprise there), and cleaning out.

It all started with Christmas.  We all got such incredibly thoughtful and functional presents that they instantly became the things we use now.  Barrett and Britton's new clothes went directly into their closets, I used my new mixing bowls from Jessica on Christmas afternoon, and the hubs put on the boots I gave him and hasn't taken them off.  Now, I am in process of clearing out the old/broken/not-as-good-as-what-we-got stuff, some to go directly to the trash and some things to be donated.  And once I start clearing out, I want my house as clear as a model home.  Which honestly, is never going to happen, because no one has to actually LIVE in a model home!

The one area where I can't seem to make any progress is Barrett's stuff.  He has baby toys he has long outgrown, and I can't bring myself to put them away.  Yesterday I realized that he doesn't really need his highchair anymore - the booster seat with tray that straps to a chair would be fine.  And yet, I can't do it.  I can't move the high chair to the basement.  Because, in all honesty, once it's moved to the basement, I know it's leaving my house.  There will be no third child to save everything for - and believe you me, I don't have any desire to have a third child!  But everything that Barrett outgrows will have to be sold/donated/thrown away, unless I want to be featured on "Hoarders."  And I don't want to let go of any of it.  The highchair isn't just primary-colored plastic - it's where BOTH of my kids picked up a cheerio and fed themselves for the first time.  It's where Britton dumped applesauce and Barrett throws his hand into any drop of baby food that hits the tray.

I've decided to just wait, until the neat freak in me overrides the nostalgic mother trying to figure out why I should keep a lamb rattle.  And then ask the hubs to take it all to Goodwill, since I don't think I could hand over all this baby stuff without crying in front of the workers!

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