Sunday, January 12, 2014

children's museum visit

This morning, Britton and I went to the Pittsburgh Children's Museum with her friend Sophia and Sophia's mom.  It was our first time there, but they had been before and showed us the ropes.  First thing I noticed - this museum is not really a museum!  Britton asked if we were going to see dinosaur bones.  Nope!  The museum is more of a hands-on, experience it all firsthand, thing, with each "exhibit" centered around each room in a house - the nursery, garage, attic, studio, and workshop.

First up, the workshop!  Britton got to sew with a real needle for the first time!  I had promised her recently that I would teach her to sew, so when they had real needles, thread, and fabric, I figured now was the best time.  She loved it and was so proud of herself!

The nursery had quiet activities, including all of the puppets from "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood."  I got a picture of Lady Elaine Fairchilde for Jessica, because this character has freaked us out since childhood!  

The third floor is Waterplay, and I read online to bring extra clothes.  So glad I heeded that advice, because it allowed Britton to get into the activities without me fretting over her, telling her to watch out every five seconds.  As you will see, the smock was purely decorative, as it didn't stop her from kneeling in the water!

A water tornado!  It was so cool that I grabbed some ribbons and tried it out myself
The attic.  See those things on the wall?  They are puppets, and not the cute kinds.  These puppets were downright creepy, and if such things existed in my own attic, I would be convinced that they would become alive and kill me in my sleep!  One cool puppet they did have was one from "The Dark Crystal," but the others just weirded me out.

The garage was right up there with the water play as far as fun activities.  Britton even got to make one of the "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" trollies!  (And conveniently available for purchase in the gift shop for $70.  Well played, museum, well played.  But momma ain't no fool!).  

A special exhibit - "Tapescape."  Yes, tunnels made out of tape!  Sophia's mom and I thought it looked like something out of "Alien" but the girls enjoyed figuring out the tunnels.

The studio's theme was "bubbles," but we were running out of time and decided to forego the bubble painting and collages.  The atrium of the studio was amazing - long ribbons hung from the ceiling, and the girls loved it.  Heck, I'm trying to figure out how to pull this off in my own house!

We spent a good two and a half hours there, and could've stayed even longer, if we had planned on it!  It was a really enjoyable time, and a reminder to me that we should keep exploring the fun activities available to us here.  And remember to invite friends to share in those experiences with us.  A great day!

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