Tuesday, January 7, 2014

barrett: 8 months old

Look who snuck his helmet off for some Glamour Shots!  Ok, I admit that I was a bit (actually, a lot) of a Debbie Downer about Barrett's helmet.  Why see the rainbow when you can see the rain?  Barrett hasn't had any troubles adjusting to his helmet and he's wearing it 23 hours a day now.  

Barrett just has the best disposition.  He's a happy baby, though the menacing tooth trying to pop out of his upper gums will throw him into a tizzy fit pretty quickly!  He's eating stage 2 baby food now, with a jar at breakfast and lunch, one at snack time, and one or two for dinner.  Barrett still has 3-4 bottles a day too, with one before each nap and before bed.  His favorite foods right now are veggies and beef, beets, anything with sweet potatoes and apples, puffs, and any kind of bread.  And he's using his sippy cup by himself now, though he does prefer to let me hold it for him.  Or he just chucks it off the highchair, and gleefully waits for you to return it so he can send it off the edge again.

Before Christmas, Barrett had started sleeping through the night.  Man, was I ever ready for that!  But then Barrett got sick, then got his helmet, and ever since has taken advantage of my good nature and gets up twice a night to eat!  He's eating a full bottle at each wake, so it's not like he's doing it to be ornery.  But still.  It's getting old!

Some stats - he's over 23 pounds now (nothing specific until his 9 month wellness visit), his 12 month clothing is getting a little tight, and just got into size 4 diapers.  He has figured out his pincher grasp now, and can pick up his puffs individually and get them into his mouth (most of the time).  He can sit up by himself and likes to knock down his stacking cups.  

What's this paper behind me?

Is this your paper, Mommy?

Likes:  when you sing and dance around him, playing "Pat-a-Cake," chewing on everything, being tickled, bath time

Dislikes:  being dressed in his onesie and sleep sack for bed (but not being dressed in the morning), when his teething gives him trouble

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