Monday, September 2, 2013

49 months old

First off, I have to admit that this picture, while it says September 2nd, was actually taken yesterday.  Memaw and PawPaw called us Saturday night to see if Britton wanted to join them for a roadtrip to Hershey, PA and she wanted to go badly.  Of course, that meant she wouldn't be with me on the 2nd, which is a first in her 49 months of life!  So I staged her monthly photo yesterday, as Memaw and PawPaw were showing up.

Any craziness of 3-3.5 years old (the constant rule testing, the mood swings, the refusal to stay in bed) has disappeared.  Magically, when Britton turned 4, she let all that go and her normal agreeable self has returned.  Lately Britton has really enjoyed being creative - painting, coloring (especially Color Wonders), and practicing her numbers and letters.  She is going to a classmate's birthday party next weekend, so I pulled out a card for him so I'd remember it.  Britton took it and wrote her classmate's name of it by herself, without asking me how to spell it!  I was impressed!

She is doing great at school.  They are learning new things every week (one week was about Australia, the next was about Hawaii) and the amount of knowledge she retains is incredible.  One day on the way home, she told me all about the volcanoes and how "lobby" (lava, apparently) flows out of them to make rocks and the rocks become islands and that's how Hawaii was made.  Just cracks me up how tickled she is about learning new things.

Britton is finally staying in bed (knock on wood).  We let her turn her light on if she wants it on, and she is allowed to "read" books as long as she stays in bed. So far, she hasn't abused this privilege by staying up too late past her normal bedtime.  

Britton is doing well with Barrett, though she's more interested in feeding and diapering her baby doll than doing the same things for him!  I'll take her indifference over sibling rivalry any day.  She does love that any interaction she gives Barrett leaves him with a huge smile on his face - she truly is his favorite person.

Likes:  my new necklace (she hasn't taken it off yet), going to the pool, the playground especially when other kids are there too, her new Minnie Mouse vacuum, art, reading as much as possible, root beer floats, cucumbers and cherry tomatoes

Dislikes: when Barrett cries, zucchini

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