Saturday, September 7, 2013

Barrett: 4 months old

Oh, I tried my darndest to get this boy to smile for his picture, but the combination of just waking up from his nap with his overwhelming desire to eat meant that I got no more than 5 photos and no smiles. Barrett has his first bout of sickness this week - the croup and the beginnings of an ear infection in his right ear.  It seems this boy is taking after me and his sister with the ear infections, and just like with Britton, we will get him tubes sooner than later if the ear infections keep coming.  It hasn't been too bad though, since he is not especially fussy or whiny when he's sick.  Whew!

The only good thing about him having to go to the doctor is that we got his weight - 18 pounds, 7 ounces.  A measurement by the hubs with the tape measure says he is about 29 inches long.  Barrett is growing out of his 9 month clothing, so I've already started stocking up on some fall clothes in 12 months.

We started him on some cereal, but that stopped while he was sick - we were more concerned with him staying hydrated than learning to eat the cereal, and didn't want to fill him up.  But now that Barrett is back to normal, I tried the cereal again and while he liked it, it gave him some gas/farting issues.  So I guess we will be taking the whole baby food thing slowly!  Barrett is currently drinking 5 oz bottles during the day, every 2 to 3 hours, and 7 oz bottles at night.

Hey, Mom.  I knocked over the weird gopher thing.

Nights.  Yeah, let's talk about that.  He was doing so well, only waking up once at 3:30 am for a feeding, then right back down.  But being sick made him not too interested in eating as much as he should have been during the day, so he decided to make it up by eating twice at night.  You wouldn't think that would be a hard adjustment, considering I was up every 1.5 to 2 hours when he was a newborn, but it was horrible!  I get used to sleep quickly, and the extra feeding just made me tired!  Luckily, he's now only throwing in an extra feeding night every now and then.

Developmentally, Barrett is grabbing and reaching for objects, and taking them to his mouth.  If he isn't stuffing his fists in his mouth then he's trying to get a blanket in there.  I don't mind since it sops up his excess drooling!  He loves his playmats at home and at daycare, and on each his favorite toy is yellow (house - lion; daycare - giraffe).  His teachers said that when they take him of the playmat, he grabs the giraffe for dear life and won't let go!  We pulled out the exersaucer and he's enjoying that too, even with a blanket stuffed around him to help him support himself.  And we moved the highchair to the table so he could sit with us at dinner - he giggled for our entire dinner tonight, just in such a good mood.  I think he was enjoying being included.

Likes:  yellow toys, rice cereal, when you smile/coo/sing to/stick your tongue out at him, bath time, walks in the stroller (without being in the carseat), chewing and drooling, when Britton plays with him

Dislikes:  waiting to eat (when he's hungry, he was actually hungry 10 minutes ago), not much else!

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