Sunday, May 26, 2013

Jessica's visit

Look who's excited Jessica came to town!

Jessica came into town for Memorial Day weekend, to meet her new nephew and visit with us.  She came alone, so that all of her attention could be directed at helping us out.  She got here at dinner time on Friday, and Barrett didn't have to go unheld for the next two days!  In fact, Jessica quickly became the only person in our household who could coax a burp out of that baby.  She also helped ease his gas issues - swaddling him, getting him to take a pacifier, and soothing his little hard gassy belly.

On Saturday, Jessica, Britton, and I headed out to the library to get Britton new books and videos.  Then we hit up Starbucks - Cammy had surprised us with gift cards in the mail!  We then stopped in at the cell phone store and the post office (Jessica had some errands to run), then we took Britton to Kohls.  Seriously, my family requires at least one Kohls visit.  Jessica wanted some summer clothes for Jason, and I found some onesies I had to have.  We also found their summer toys 50% off, so Britton picked out a giant beach ball that sprays water everywhere for some outdoor fun.  Since it was all of 60 degrees this weekend, she managed to convince the hubs to blow it up, then took over our tiny family room with it.

The rest of the weekend was just relaxing at home.  We went on walks, played on the swingset, even got some gardening in, and provided Jessica plenty of opportunities to snuggle with Barrett and Britton.

Jessica brought her hats with her so Barrett could be her newborn model. He was not impressed with the process (what a diva!) so we tried some more today.  Other than peeing on the blanket, Barrett took the task seriously and delivered.  Check out that model stare!

Britton and I waved goodbye to Jessica from the front of the house as she drove off.  And then Britton and I promptly broke into tears.  It's hard to have family come into town, just to have to leave.  Especially when we don't get to see Jessica nearly enough.  Luckily, she's coming back in a couple of months, children in tow, for another visit before my maternity leave is up.

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