Saturday, May 18, 2013

ballerina girl

As an aside, let me just tell you what - Britton loves the pink Power Ranger.  No, she's never seen the television show, never even heard the words "Power Rangers" uttered in our house, but it turns out that some boy in her class talks about the Power Rangers nonstop.  So Britton decided she wanted to be the pink Power Ranger and, in her words, "put bad guys in the trash can."  A little online search later (Halloween costumes are ridiculously cheap when it's not Halloween!) we had our costume.  And it just happened to show up a day before Britton's dance recital.  I just had to share!

Britton has been in a ballet/tap/gymnastics class since January.  In February we were alerted that there would be a recital on May 19th.  Yes, one week after my due date.  The hubs and I hemmed and hawed about if Britton would even want to participate, but we decided to just go forward with it.  I paid the recital fee, bought the over-priced costume, bought the now-required white tap shoes AND ballet shoes, and then found out there was a mandatory dress rehearsal.  A mandatory dress rehearsal being held TEN DAYS after giving birth.

So, the hubs and I got sneaky.  Or lazy, depending on how you look at it.  But dang it all, we're living under that "waking up every two to three hours" fog over here.  We told Britton her dress rehearsal was the recital.  The reason is twofold.  First, we weren't sure she'd even participate so there was no point in making her go through it twice if she wasn't going to get on stage and dance.  Second, she wouldn't know the difference.  

We showed up on Friday afternoon, costume on and ready to go, and Britton completely surprised us.  This girl, who most Saturday mornings didn't want to go to dance class, was excited about getting on stage!  And when she did get up there, she knew the whole dance!  The hubs and I were so proud of her, and we couldn't take our eyes off of her up there.  She had a great time, which is really the point when it comes to a kid's activities.  

We lucked out - Britton had a great time, Barrett slept peacefully through the entire rehearsal, and everyone left in a good celebratory mood!  The hubs and I are not going to push our luck by trying to do it all again tomorrow. 

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