Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"free time"

I am currently unemployed.  And it is fantastic!  I was starting to become very disheartened by my work-from-home oil and gas title attorney position.  I love writing title opinions, and working from home was so convenient.  But I started to miss being a part of the office, and having real conversations with people, other than Britton's daycare teachers!  

So, I interviewed for a new position at the end of July, and was offered the job the next day.  I'm going to be a landman for an international oil and gas company.  I accepted, and presumed that I would be starting soon.  I went ahead and quit my attorney position, but since it was an independent contractor job, I didn't have to give notice.  We went ahead and parted ways, very amicably.  As luck would have it, I'm still getting paid on my last job, and will for months to come as they catch up with what I'm owed.  So I get to hang out until my first day of my new job on October 1st!  

I've spent time finishing the ridiculous amount of unpacking we've had, and I registered my car, and all those moving chores I hate.  And I've been busier than ever, not even having a chance to sit down and veg in front of the television or take a nap - both of which I need to do, because come October 1st I won't get to do either unless I'm sick!  Here's what I've been up to:

1.  Babysitting the baby birds.  Can you see their little faces in the middle of the picture below?  I check on them every day to make sure their mom is taking care of them.  And I leave birdseed for her, in case she's tired from plucking worms from the neighbor's yard.

2.  Mass cooking.  In less than five weeks, I will have a new nephew!  And someone has to stock Jessica's freezer with easy meals.  I remember how mind-numbing those first weeks are, but it will be even harder for Jessica because she has three other kids who want to be fed dinner.  Making the dinners now gives them time to get frozen solid, so they will survive the cooler ride to her house when she has the baby.

3.  Quilting!  I had no idea how much I really missed it while we were in the hotel.  I have so many unfinished projects, that I need to take advantage of this time off and get them finished.  This is the backing for my latest project, a quilt I started last year that never got past having the blocks completed.  Ever priced four yards for backing?  A double sheet from Wal-Mart is a better bargain!

4.  Christmas project gifts.  I am not making any quilts for Christmas presents this year because everyone got one last year!  But I am making some other gifts, including stockings that involve cross-stitching.  Beside my recliner is a stocking, which holds my cross-stitching and every night I get just a little finished.  I figure if I start my handmade gifts now, I won't feel so overwhelmed when it gets closer to Christmas.

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