Monday, July 2, 2012

35 months old

I can't believe that in one month Britton will be three years old!  I've heard that the "terrible twos" are actually the "terrible threes" and I completely and utterly believe that.  Britton has started having episodes of downright tantrums, where she's fine one minute, then throwing herself down and screaming the next.  Honestly, sometimes I just look at her and it sets her off.  I keep telling myself it's a developmental stage, because if not I'll just soothe myself with Benadryl whiskey shots and rock in the corner while repeating "I'm not a bad mommy, I'm not a bad mommy..."

Luckily, it's not most of the time.  And I am happy to report that Britton has adjusted amazingly well to her new school.  She happily lets me leave her in the mornings, and is all smiles when I pick her up.  She's the oldest in her classroom, and I think that helps, because she gets to do things the younger kids struggle with.  She's eating well, and loves any physical activity (basketball, biking, swimming) that involves being outdoors.  

We're still having issues with her staying in bed, though it has gotten much better.  If she does get up, it's usually only once, and she just has to be put back into bed without fuss.  Some nights, like tonight, it's three or four times.  So tonight I told her that if she got back up she couldn't take her new bike to "bike day" at school tomorrow.  So far, so good.  And it's not like I want to be "mean mommy," but she's now at an age where consequences mean something.  

Speaking of new bikes....Here is Britton's new Disney princess bike!  We went after school to pick it out, and rode it all over the hotel parking lot today.  She loves the bike, the helmet not so much.  I got a great deal on it, and when I got it to the check out, it turned out to be the only one they had.  Lucky me - already assembled!

Likes: ice cream, singing, the pool, Memaw and PawPaw's golf cart, anything Dora, anything Tinkerbell, anything pink

Dislikes:  when Sadie won't listen to her/snuggle with her/just give in already, staying in the car a long time, not being heard

Books:  "Berenstain Bears Go to School,"  "Berenstain Bears Messy Room,"  "Dora's Chilly Day" by Kiki Thorp, "Knuffle Bunny Too" by Mo Willems (these books are hilarious!), and "Nighty Night" by Margaret Wild and Kerry Argent

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