Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This is a week of transitions. Britton has now been on formula for six days and is much improved. Her reflux is all but gone, and she's on no medications. We did make one minor adjustment - we have switched to the prepared hypo-allergenic formula instead of powder. Less corn and sugar. It costs a pretty penny, but it's worth it.

Now that Britton isn't screaming about everything, her personality is starting to show. Wow, this girl is NOT a transitioner! Upon waking from her naps, Britton hates having her diaper changed. She'll eat, then she needs cuddling and walking while she really wakes up. I remember as a kid I couldn't have anyone look or talk to me in the morning, so it seems she's following me. She is doing better at nighttime sleep and goes down around 8:30 p.m. The hub and I still hold our breath, and hopefully with consistency we can count on this earlier bedtime. She fights going to sleep at night, just like her daddy. She's fine to go down for naps (also just like her daddy), but something about the night gets to her. It's probably because she was used to just hanging out on the boob all night, and we ended breastfeeding cold turkey. So, she's regressed to needing swaddling for comfort, but as long as she sleeps it'll work.

Tomorrow morning Britton and I are going out to Starbucks! I want to start getting her used to the car, because next week we're picking up Grandma at the airport. She's really only been in the car to go to the doctor's office, and it's three miles away. We're starting out on small trips, in the morning when she's in her best mood, and hopefully moving up to longer jaunts when she stops napping so often. She's not one of those babies that'll just fall asleep where they land.

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