Sunday, December 6, 2015

dear Santa, I've been good (I promise)

We spent Saturday getting into the Christmas spirit!  First up was a trip to the Municipal Center for cookies and milk with Santa.  We attend this event every year because it's never crowded, I don't have to go to the mall to see Santa, and I can take my own pictures of the kids with Santa - score!  First up was making ornaments.

There were only a few kids in line for Santa, and Britton really wanted to get in her face time, so we headed to the big man himself.  Barrett would have none of it.  Barrett is slowly but surely coming out of his "stranger danger" phase, but even having the bug guy come in will send him over the edge, so we didn't push him with Santa.  He instead hung out with the hubs, Memaw, and PawPaw, and iced his cookie.

Memaw sweet-talked Barrett into giving Santa a try, and let him bring his cookie, which was a deal-breaker for him.  Santa hooked him up with a candy cane, but as you can see below, he's still very unsure of this whole Santa business.

I waved Britton over to hop into the picture, and snapped our Christmas picture before Barrett could change his mind!

That night, we picked up some hot chocolate and made our way to Shadrack's Christmas Wonderland.  To say this light show is popular is an understatement - we were there when they opened and still waited half an hour to get in!  We drove through the Butler Fairgrounds, where the lights are synchronized to music.  The kids were mesmerized and loved it!

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