We held Barrett's second birthday party on Saturday, and managed to pull it all together and have a great time! I always underestimate the work of having a party at home, but luckily Memaw pitched in on the food and Jessica brought her bouncy house to entertain the kids. I had scoured the internet (most certainly Pinterest!) and found some cute ideas I incorporated into the food:
I laid out green and yellow bandanas, then decorated with the hubs' old John Deere tractors he acquired as a kid. I also borrowed Barrett's little tractors to add in. I made the Pioneer Woman's Cherry Limeade, and let me tell you - that stuff is addictive and ridiculously yummy! Memaw let me borrow the mason jar drink dispenser, and it worked out great.
I described the cake to the bakery, and they worked up a "farm scene," and we added the tractor.
The kids had their pick of activities -the bouncy house, the sand table, the playset, and general running around and being wild. Barrett's cousins, Emily and Jason, were there, plus Chase and Landon from Barrett's class, and Britton's friends Ali and Quinnie. It wasn't crowded or overwhelming for the kids, and the adults could sit back and relax while the kids played.
Barrett is IN LOVE with the bouncy house |
Sand + trucks = fantastic entertainment
Cammy tried on the hats (and helped me put them together the night before).
We're still working on the whole blowing-out-the-candle idea, but Barrett knew that candle needed to go out before we'd cut into the cake - the hubs helped him out. Little did I know that Barrett loves cake, especially icing!
I didn't want to break up the fun by making the kids sit and watch Barrett open presents, so we held off until later that afternoon. Jessica gave Barrett some stickers, which he promptly stuck all over his legs! He received some books and tractors - his two current favorite types of toys. And weeks ago, when Jessica told me about the power wheels John Deere tractor she was getting Jason and how much he loved it, we went in with Memaw and PawPaw on one for Barrett. He noticed it in the garage this morning and gave it a spin, but he's still getting used to the idea of a tractor that moves without needing him to scoot it along.
Happy second birthday, Barrett! We had a great time celebrating with you, and your infectious joy for the whole day gave us all a happy day!