Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Barrett: 3 months old

Barrett started full-time daycare this week, and as I predicted it has been a much easier transition for him than for me!  I find myself just missing him during the day, wondering what he's doing at that time, and wishing I'd get a phone call - in short, it's like I have a crush!  Barrett has just grown into such an easy-going baby that it's not really a "break" to be away from him.  

I don't have official weight and length until his 4 month appointment, but he's easily at least 18 pounds by now.  He is in 9 month clothing and wears size 3 diapers.  He's outgrown every swaddle that is sold in the US, so now we wiggle the new swaddle (says it goes to 20 pounds, but not so much) as low as it will go on his arms (and still serve its purpose).  I added extra fabric to the bottom of his Halo swaddle, but he could still get his long arms under the swaddle portion and was pushing it up around his face.  Seeing that image on the monitor will stop your heart, so we stopped using that swaddle!

Barrett's naps in daycare were barely reaching an hour, which is no bueno in my book.  At home he'll nap 2-3 hours.  We figured that it was the crib that was throwing him off, since at home he's still in his Rock and Play.  Once the daycare started putting him down in the non-moving swing, he settled into longer naps.  As soon as he outgrows his startle reflex, about the end of this month, we will transition him to the crib without his swaddle.

We still keep his awake time between naps to no more than 1.5 hours, and watch for sleepy signs.  And lately Barrett has wanted an earlier bedtime, so it's bath at 6:40 pm, then a bottle and bedtime.  In the past two days he has shifted his middle-of-the-night feeding from 3:30 am to 12:30 am.  So he's down by 7:00 pm, up at 12:30 am to eat, then back down until 6:30 am or 7:00 am.  Once he's up in the morning, we just go ahead and get him ready for the day.

Barrett has become very interactive now.  He can belly laugh!  And he loves when I sit him on the couch facing me and I have a very animated conversation with him.  If I roll my "r"s at him, he's smiling up a storm!  And the ladies at daycare report that he loves bubbles and when they read books to him.  He's very chill now, and will lay under the playmat for 20-30 minutes so that I can make dinner and we can eat.

He's a very relaxed baby, and that's partly due to the fact that he has outgrown his gas issues.  We are still doing half Sensitive/half Alimentum, 4 ounces every 2 to 3 hours.  Sometimes before bed he wants up to 6 ounces, especially during a growth spurt.

Falling, falling, someone catch me, falling....

Likes:  "talking" with people, the playmat, music/singing, raspberries on the belly, baths

Dislikes:  being cold, gas bubbles, tummy time

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