Wednesday, June 20, 2012


We had our first showing last Wednesday.  As expected, the hub and I were stupidly excited and nervous, and looking forward to feedback on the staging.  And the realtor who showed the house left us this feedback:

My buyers liked the house, especially the kitchen.  It really had an unpleasant smelly feet.  But the house is great.  It is one of the top 3 on list.

Um, what?  Instantly we're on the phone with our realtor, asking her if she can check the house and see if the air fresheners went weird because the house does not smell like smelly feet!  Of course, we're also high-fiving each other because, hey, who cares about smelly feet - they liked the house!  Please understand, we had been in the car for 18 hours at this point.  Nothing made sense anymore.  So our realtor stopped by the house and said it smelled fine and she didn't know what that feedback meant.

After some rest, the hub and I put it all together, and in the process learned a very valuable real estate lesson.  Don't have your carpets cleaned the day before you turn the AC to 76 degrees and seal up your house.  It will make your house smell like "smelly feet."

Fast forward to Saturday when we're taking Britton to the park, and notice that we have THREE showings that day.  Score!  But then one showing gets cancelled and the feedback for the other two go like this:

Buyers liked a lot about this house but they are just putting their home on the market this week so can't write any offers yet.  They will probably revisit this one if it is still available when they are ready to make an offer.  Shows well but was a tad warm on this hot day.

They didn't like the layout of the house.  Sorry.

So we finish out the weekend deflated, because I become convinced that the house will not sell EVER. Being rational does not enter my frame of mind at all.

And then Monday morning I call my realtor to discuss the showings and she asks if I'm calling about the email she sent.  Of course, she sent it to the hub and I never got it, so I ask her what the email said.  She said, "It's an offer.  But they have a contingency that they have to sell first."  UGH.  "But I'm expecting another offer this afternoon."  YES.

Now, we all know a house is never sold until the closing is completed.  And since mortgage companies have decided they now have to be picky about ridiculously asinine details, closings can and do get delayed.  Not to mention we have to get a home inspection and appraisal out of the way before we even get to closing.  But as of yesterday morning, a mere eight days after listing, our house is SOLD!

Little side note - on the way home from daycare yesterday, Britton asked if we could go home.  And I said that we were.  And she says, "No, I mean our home.  The old one [which is what we call it]. I want to go back there."  Damn near broke my heart.  I admit I started crying and kept it quiet so Britton wouldn't see.

So, back to the story - I was sitting at my desk this morning, when my email showed an alert for a new showing this morning.  So I called my realtor and left her a message that went pretty close to this: "Hey, Ann, it's Carrie, um, just got an email that there's a showing this morning and that doesn't make any sense seeing as how the house went under contract yesterday so I didn't know if it was a home inspection?  Or a mistake?  Or let me know!  Thanks!"  Yeah, I'm super-suave when I don't know what's going on.

And she called me back and the first words out of her mouth are, "Never stop showing."  And here's the feedback from the showing this morning:

My clients liked it and are putting a back up contract on it

YES AND YES!  In consideration of my inability to be rational and sane when it comes to selling my home, I am now considering this house sold!

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