Saturday, June 2, 2012

34 months old

This month we have been introduced to an almost-three-year-old, and boy was that introduction hard. I know the saying is "terrible twos" but c'mon, the twos were a piece of cake compared to this. It is trying for us, yes, but even more trying for her. I can see her emotions flooding her decision-making abilities, and man if this just isn't too big a world for her right now.

The sleeping thing (fingers crossed) has gotten better, in that she didn't even make a peep tonight going down. And she's back to liking baths, which all involved are thankful for! Britton is pushing even more now - "Let ME do it!" - and as a certified control freak, I hate to admit that my first instinct is to want to do it myself so that it will be done already. Britton sat in the tub for what felt like an hour (probably more like five minutes) putting her Dora doll's clothes on her. And dang it all she wanted to do it herself. And I let go and let her. Because I have to. Seriously, I can't be the mom showing up at kindergarten lunch to cut up my kid's green beans! I have found that the more patient, attentive, and positive we are, the better Britton's mood. And with that comes...

Our "duties" chart! I had a handmade one when I was at my wit's end last week, but when cruising the Target dollar bins I ran across this laminated beauty. Britton LOVES this. Her "duties" are to play nicely, pick up her toys, take a bath, brush her teeth, and stay in bed. That's it - I can't overwhelm her. And we do stickers every evening, which she is so enthusiastic about. Notice that she didn't get stickers for staying in bed? As much as she wants to throw a rainbow sticker on everything, I can't give her stickers she didn't earn. Then the chart loses all meaning. Her goal for the week was to stay in bed, and her reward for accomplishing it was to visit Mommy Horse and feed her apples. Which we did this morning!

We've also had success asking where her "listening ears" are and if she is making good choices (her teacher at school does these things too, which means Britton instantly knows what they mean and how to correct her actions).  She'll run to the hub and go, "Daddy!  I put my listening ears on!"  It cracks me up, but I am so thankful that it is effective.

Likes: red velvet ice cream, pineapple, being in charge of Sadie, role playing (telling me to get into her bed, pretend to sleep, and then telling me "Don't get out of bed!" Hey, at least she's getting it), being outside, watching "America's Funniest Home Videos," cutting with her scissors

 Dislikes: Not being included, any changes we make to the house to prepare for the move (so we've held off on major changes), mustard

 Books: "I am a Ballerina" by Valerie Coulman, "Franklin Says I Love You" by Paulette Bourgeois, "If You Take a Mouse to the Movies" by Laura Numeroff, "Looking for Sleepy" by Maribeth Boelts, and "Shy Little Kitten" by Cathleen Schurr

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