Thursday, July 14, 2011

when a phone is not a phone

I'm not a technology-phobe by any stretch of the imagination. But I am technologically wary. I don't fight to keep up with the latest products, because as soon as I buy that iPad 2 the iPad 3 will come out. And do better stuff. I don't want to throw money down a hole to keep up. And, frankly, I'm too old to try and be "cool." There, I said it.

I was 23 years old when I got my first cell phone. In fact, my mom gave it to me (and the accompanying year-long contract) because I resisted getting one for so long. I figured my answering machine was good enough. But I've progressed from a regular cell phone to texting to taking pictures and movies. I don't use Twitter because my life isn't that exciting that anyone needs a play-by-play of my day.

But sometimes something cool happens. And I need a picture and my camera is at home. So I take out my phone, and weeks, sometimes months later I remember those pictures. Here are some I found last night and they are too cute not to share.

Pink lemonade ice cream - someone is a fan...

I took her to Braum's for a burger - our first lady's lunch just us...

Britton has started trying on our shoes. Daddy's shoes plus no pants is a favorite outfit around here...

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