Britton spent last night sicker than I have ever seen her. Not to say she hasn't been sick before, but this was the first time she had a raging fever, coughed and gagged, and in general was miserable. I went to bed early thinking she would "sleep it off," but Grandma woke up at 1:00 a.m. with Britton coughing and throwing up. And I got up at 4:45 for more of the same, except at that point she was also having horrendous stomach cramps. The hub and I considered taking her to the hospital, but then Britton decided that even on no sleep she wanted to feel better. She played with Sadie, ate a little cereal bar, and drank some water. By 8:00 a.m. we were in the car on the way to the ENT doctor for our follow-up visit.
Bad news. One look at Britton and Dr. Disney (the man has Disney stuff everywhere) said, "These meds will clear up that upper respiratory infection." And she has fluid behind her ear drums because.....the tube in the left ear is out. Just hanging out in her ear canal like a loitering teenager with nowhere to be. So Britton is on medicine for an entire month to make sure her ears don't get infected and to clear up the respiratory infection. Then it's back to Dr. Disney in a month for a hearing test and decision about if Britton is getting tubes AGAIN.
Plus, did I mention we're closing on the new house in one week? On the day I turn 32 (uh, I mean 28)? And the hub is going to Oklahoma City for two days to hover over the movers and leaving me with Sickly Sickerson? Then while I am living amongst the boxes the hub is leaving for a business trip? On the same day Britton has a doctor's appointment he was taking her to because I am out of time off from work? And in the middle of all of this we have to introduce Britton to living in another new house, and going to a new daycare? And why am I still asking questions?
If I make it to Halloween without a stress-induced breakdown, I will consider myself awesome. Until then, pass the zoloft.
RIP: David Boren
16 hours ago
Hi there! :) I randomly found your blog online and have been reading through it. I work at a daycare in Washington state (so your blog was particularly interesting to me!) and I noticed you are really unhappy with your current daycare. I work for a company called Bright Horizons (they have them all over the country) and I was wondering if you might want to look into one near you and see if you might like it? The center I work for is really great, and they have high expectations for their teachers. Anyways, I just thought I would throw that out there, it bums me out to hear how unhappy you are with Britton's daycare!