Sunday, November 26, 2017

thanksgiving 2017

I know we're a couple of days past Thanksgiving, but I'm finally crawling out of my food coma!  Unfortunately, PawPaw was on call for the holiday, but luckily, he sent Memaw to us the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  The kids were off school all week, and loved the crafts she brought with her - first up was making their own ornaments, reindeer candy canes, and miniature sleds out of popsicle sticks!

Then some bread baking!

Which got Britton into the mood for helping Memaw with the Parker House rolls for Thanksgiving dinner.  We didn't have a plan for the meal - we always go with turkey, bread, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and some casseroles.  So we watched some "Pioneer Woman" episodes for inspiration, and Memaw wrote down the Parker House roll recipe. 

There was much snuggling, lounging, and general laziness, perpetrated by myself, of course.

The required "thumbs up" picture with the bird.  This turkey smelled (and tasted) wonderful - the hubs stuffed it with lemon, garlic, tarragon, and thyme, and slathered the outside with tons of butter.

Ready to eat!

Memaw headed out Friday morning, and we all wanted to see her off.  I realized that we hadn't taken a group shot with everyone, so I set the camera on the kitchen island and set it to take our picture.  Barrett looks grumpy, I look like a hot mess, Britton is for some reason wearing a bathrobe over her dress, but it's us and it's real!

Just sharing a sweet picture of Barrett!

Since we don't touch Christmas stuff until after Thanksgiving, we've spent the entire weekend decorating for Christmas!  The cards are stuffed and ready for stamps, the outdoor lights are put up, and the trees and interior decor are set.  Now time to finish shopping and wrapping gifts!

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