Saturday, December 2, 2017

100 months old!

Britton was super-jazzed this morning, not to take her monthly photo mind you, but to get to the Breakfast with Santa at her school!  And it didn't occur to me until I printed out her sheet last night that we've reached a huge milestone here - Britton is 100 months old now!  That's 8 years, 4 months, in normal age counting, but I've kept to months because we take the pictures monthly.  And now I've got 100 of these monthly photos and that seriously blows my mind!

Britton had a high and low in school this month.  She had taken a reading comprehension test (read the passage, answer multiple choice questions) and didn't do so well.  She didn't understand the questions - admittedly, I didn't understand what some of the questions were asking - so we decided that she needed to practice.  Over Thanksgiving break, I found five practice tests, and we went to work.  Well, the practice paid off and Britton nailed the next test when she returned to school this week!  I'm so proud of the hard work she put in, and accepting that learning new things makes your brain hurt and that's ok because it means it's getting stronger.  Or something like that!  And yes, the awesome score is a high, but also, we received an email from her teacher that they received the DLA (District Language Assessment) results back (every school takes them), and Britton was the only one in her class to get 100!  It doesn't count for any grade, but it's an amazing accomplishment, and I'm blown away by what this kid can do.  She's rocking this whole school thing!

Likes: making her own popsicles, playing soccer, exploring new parks (we found a great one today!), KFC coleslaw

Dislikes:  mosquitos still being out in December! (yeah, we ALL dislike this!)

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