Monday, November 2, 2015

75 months old

So, meerkat was in Barrett's closet, and there's no way I'm risking waking that kid up, so the carrot filled in.  Who owns a stuffed carrot?  Yep, this girl.  Speaking of carrots, Britton wants a new fish (her old betta fish was named Carrot Blueberry Broccoli).  I think I may have to give in, because she's also been telling me about her friend's hamster and another friend's kitten, so maybe the fish gets me out of having to say "no" to any other critters!  

Britton is doing well at school, and loves reading every night.  I think she's tiring of doing homework, because it cuts into free-for-all playing with friends and kicking back with "Fresh Beat Band" episodes, but luckily it's not too time-intensive.  Her class started weekly spelling tests a couple of weeks ago and she's nailing them.

Every night I tickle Britton's back while singing (badly) "You are My Sunshine."  I've done it since she was a baby.  But lately, instead of a song, Britton wants a story about me and Aunt Jessica.  She always requests it the same - "Tell me a story about you and Aunt Jessica when you were kids."  I've racked my brain for stories, and now I've run out and might need Aunt Jessica to remind me of some!

Likes:  Halloween candy, dancing, Shopkins, drawing every night in her diary

Dislikes:  transitioning from reading to bedtime (she likes to take her time brushing her teeth and using the bathroom)

1 comment:

  1. Tell her the ones about us skateboarding behind each other's bikes while holding onto a tether rope of dog leash! Or spending summer evenings riding our bikes behind the cloud from the bug spray truck!
