Saturday, August 8, 2015

flipping for britton's birthday party

Yep, we're six days after Britton's birthday, but we had to have her party the weekend after because the gymnastics place wasn't open last weekend.  When we were narrowing down where to have Britton's party, her gymnastics place was top of the list.  She loves taking gymnastics classes, the cost was the least ridiculous we could find for a party, and it ensured kids went home exhausted.  Yes!

The kids started out in the main gym, going through the trampoline, the vault, balance beams, and the climbing wall....

Then they moved over to the other side, where they crossed parallel bars, crawled under forms, swung on a rope, and landed in a ball pit!  You can see why they made the adults sign agreements that we wouldn't get on the equipment - it was downright enticing to try out these tricks!

Then we moved into the alternate gym space, where the kids were introduced to "Steve" and "Bob," also known as an amazing tube inflatable and the bounce house.

To give the kids a chance to cool down from all that activity, Britton opened presents next.  She received some very thoughtful gifts, and I was proud of how she remembered to thank people.  I know the trend is to take the presents home and open them after the party, but I believe that kids need to learn how to accept gifts graciously.  And that won't happen if they are opening them in the privacy of their own home.

The venue didn't offer a chance to drown the party in a theme, so we went with the cake, invitations, and paper products to show the "Dora and Friends" theme.  After presents it was cake and ice cream time!  

Britton and her friends had a great time, and everyone went home happy!  It was a fun celebration for Britton's birthday, and I loved seeing her enjoying the activities with her friends.  As Dora would say, "Feliz Cumpleanos, Britton!"

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