Sunday, August 9, 2015

barrett: 27 months old

Bad mommy here.  Yes, the sign says "August 7th," but truthfully I didn't remember about Barrett's monthly picture until last night.  I guess I was so distracted by work and Britton's party that it completely slipped my mind.  But, I guarantee you that Barrett went through no major changes since August 7th, so the picture and today's info still ring true.

Barrett has been going through one heck of a growing spell lately!  He is hungry all the time now, and drinking tons of milk before bed.  And he got up a couple of times this week at midnight, which is his M.O. when he's hit a growth spurt.  Barrett has also given up his naps now, which is irritating because I know the value of a good nap!

Barrett's vocabulary is growing every day, and he tries so hard to learn new words, repeating them after us.  I still don't understand 30% of what he says, but I'll just ask him to show me and then I get it.  He and Britton have found a common ground - "Shaun the Sheep."  If you haven't seen this show (it's on Amazon, and also a movie), it is hilarious!  Barrett's first and true love still remains Peppa the Pig, and he insists on reading his Peppa the Pig book 2 or 3 times at night before bed.

First tomato out of the garden!

Likes:  broccoli (after a brief hatred, Barrett and broccoli are friends again), Sadie, any truck or tractor, running outside without shoes on, riding his horsey

Dislikes:  shoes on for more than 1 minute, whenever I sing

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